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Léa Plourde-Archer
•20 Dec 2024
Masonry Cost Guide - How Much to Budget in 2025 in Canada?
Masonry and bricklaying are more than a skill, they are a craft. When it comes to the requirements for working with concrete and brick, you’ll need to work with a person who has specific training. These materials are especially difficult to manipulate, and thus, it’s almost always best to work with a professional. Of course, working with a mason or bricklayer will leave you with lifelong structures and pieces, adding to the individuality and resale value of your home.
Cynthia Pigeon
•02 Aug 2024
Masonry Materials: Must-Have Items
When you start building or renovating your house, you’re faced with many choices, especially in terms of land location, the type of house you want (or have), the types of materials to be used, etc. Regarding the latter, it's imperative to select quality masonry materials to have a solid foundation, which will withstand heavy loads and the test of time. That said, are you looking to make an informed decision about which products to use? This article will allow you to get an overview of the types, brands, and prices of commonly used masonry materials.
Paul Riopel
•24 May 2024
How to Dismantle a Brick Wall?
Whether you're renovating to accommodate a growing family, addressing structural issues, or simply modernising your living space, the decision to demolish or remove part of a brick wall in your home is a significant one.