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The Purpose of Dehumidifiers: 5 Must-Know Facts

The Purpose of Dehumidifiers: 5 Must-Know Facts

Interior renovationsThe Purpose of Dehumidifiers: 5 Must-Know Facts

If your home is in a humid climate, or you’re finding a buildup of condensation on your walls or windows, you should consider a dehumidifier for your home.

A dehumidifier is a device used to remove excessive amounts of humidity, which in turn helps improve indoor air quality. Homes with this type of system can maintain humidity levels in their home and this works to restore health and wellness for family and friends alike.

If you’re not too sure whether your home needs one, but you’ve noticed that your allergies have gotten worse or you’ve been smelling something stale that won’t go away, read on and find out some useful information about dehumidifiers.

5 Things to Know About Humidity and Dehumidifiers

1- Does indoor humidity matter?

Indoor humidity_The Role of the Dehumidifier- 5 Things You Should Know

Source: Flickr, Gabriel Flores Romero

It’s hard to consider the atmosphere of our home, as most homeowners consider it an invisible gaseous layer that has little effect on our health. However, this assumption would be wrong, and homeowners should understand that the atmosphere of their house contains water, either as vapour or as a liquid.

If you have a dryer inside your home or cook on the top of a stove, humidity builds up and levels can be surprisingly high. If you notice condensation on the windows or water dripping down your walls, your home has a definite humidity problem.

Although human bodies are 60% water, we should keep water in the atmosphere of our homes at bay. High humidity levels in the home can cause many problems, including but not limited to moulding clothing, damaging electronics, as well as serious health problems. Common allergens thrive in humid environments. If you live in a humid space, bacteria, viruses, mould and mildew will flourish.

2- How does a dehumidifier work?

These systems work by reducing humidity levels to make homes less hospitable to allergens such as dust, mites, mould and mildew, sucking indoor air through the device and removing excess moisture, then blowing the air back into your home. The moisture collects inside the dehumidifier and must be removed every now and again.

Most humidifiers work in two ways, first by refrigeration which means cooling the air to remove the moisture, and then by absorption, which consists of absorbing the moisture into a drying material. Not every system works by refrigeration, as other models have different methods of removing moisture in the air. Luckily, modern humidifier designs are quiet, and will not disrupt your daily life.

3- Benefits of a dehumidifier

If you live in a humid climate or have a humid home, there are many reasons to get a dehumidifier. As you’ve probably guessed, the first job of this type of unit is to remove moisture from the indoor spaces of your home. Firstly, this helps to reduce dust, mites, mould and mildew. Dehumidifiers also help to reduce the musty odour that often accompanies mould and mildew. Further, not only will this device prevent mould and mildew from growing in your home, it'll reduce the possibility of mould developing on clothing and other linens such as curtains and sheets.

When there is a lack of mould growth, you can avoid skin irritations as well as irritations to the respiratory system, allowing homeowners, family members and guests to breath easier and feel comfortable. Not only does a less humid environment help with keeping allergens, mould growth and mildew at bay, but it also keeps electronic devices safe. A humid home causes signs of rust and corrosion on electronic equipment and tools, affecting their longevity. Lastly, a dehumidifier can reduce energy costs as it helps other home systems, such as air conditioners, run smoothly.

4- Signs your home needs a dehumidifier

mold_The Role of the Dehumidifier- 5 Things You Should Know

Source: Flickr, Marek Moi

If you are suffering from constant allergy symptoms, then it is likely you need a dehumidifier in your home. There are some more common signs that you may need a system to remove humidity, these include water stains on the ceilings of your home or frequent condensation on the windows.

Another sign is recognizing mould spores which are small black spots that grow on walls or with areas of high humidity, specifically in the bathroom or shower. Another obvious indicator is smelling musty or mildew, both of which emit a stale smell.

5- Choosing the right make & model

Choosing a dehumidifier will depend on the space in which it will be used as well as the humidity levels in your home. There are small capacity models for smaller rooms and large capacity models for larger areas, such as an entire apartment.

There are also whole-house models but these should be used if you live in a very humid climate, if you find yourself suffering from significant allergies or if you have a very large house. Some dehumidifiers come equipped with distinctive features, and these may aid in preventing specific elements caused by the air quality in your home.

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Last modified 2023-11-07

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