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Cynthia Pigeon • 09 Oct 2024
The Blue Roof: A New, Eco-Friendly Concept
If you live in a big city or keep yourself apprised of innovative methods of environmental conservation, you’ve probably already heard of green roofs. They’re created using a technique which involves covering a building’s rooftop with all kinds of vegetation: plants, flowers, and vegetables. It’s no secret: green structures provide better insulation and minimize carbon emissions. All in all, they improve air quality while increasing the building's overall energy efficiency.
Editorial Team • 25 Sep 2024
What Are the Advantages of a Flat Roof?
While flat roofs haven’t always had the best reputation, most notably due to their waterproofing issues, one must still recognize that they have numerous advantages. And, the construction industry has mastered their design and conception.
Léa Plourde-Archer • 25 Sep 2024
6 things to know to properly maintain your flat roof
In Canada, many buildings are equipped with flat rooftops. This type of roofing is very practical and often less expensive than a slanted roof. However, since we don’t see their surface, we’re more likely to forget to check their current condition.