Flat Roof Contractors in Stevensville, Ontario

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Are you planning a renovation or construction project for a flat roof?

The flat roof is a type of roofing that is often seen in cities or on commercial buildings. Although it has some advantages over other roof structures, the flat roof requires a regular maintenance regimen, and must be inspected periodically to ensure that it is not damaged by snow, ice, the sun and so on.

What are the pros and cons of flat roofs?


  • No lost space (attic, dormer windows);
  • Maintenance and installation cost is lower;
  • Easy maintenance (although it requires a lot).


  • Less resistant that other models;
  • Possible difficulties in terms of water tightness;
  • More difficult to evacuate rain water.

What are the different materials for flat roofs?

Here are the 3 main types of materials for a flat roof:

  • Asphalt and gravel;
  • Elastomeric membrane;
  • Monolayer membrane (TPO and EPDM).

To learn more about this subject, check out our article: Which type of material should you choose?

Flat roof maintenance: what you should know

The main disadvantage of flat roofs is the accumulation of debris. Therefore, to avoid this type of problem, one must be sure to take proper care of the surface and be sure to remove any items that could cause damage. Check out our Flat Roof Maintenance article for more information on cleaning techniques, frequency, and other information of this kind.

Would you like to know more about flat roofs? Consult our articles about this type of roof to be well prepared for your meeting with specialized contractors: