French Drain Contractors in Stevensville, Ontario

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Are you looking to install a French drain?

Are you noticing the appearance of moisture near your foundation or experiencing surface water problems? The installation of a French drain will be required in order to fix the situation, thus avoiding the appearance of cracks, structural problems or water infiltration issues in your basement.

Interior or exterior drain?

In the case of a surface water problem, the best thing to do would be to install the French drain outside. The drain will be set up horizontally around your property and upstream of the area you wish to protect.

In the event that water starts leaking inside your basement, installing an indoor French drain (or insole drain) around the perimeter of your home will be the preferred option. This type of drain will intercept water before it can enter your basement.

Installing or repairing a French drain

Do you think you can install your new French drain yourself? Be aware that installing an indoor French drain can be more complicated, as it involves cutting directly into the concrete slab of your basement.

As for the repair and maintenance of a French drain, it is strongly advised to hire a professional to do the work.

Maintaining your French drain

Generally speaking, the maintenance required for a French drain is rather easy. It's still a good idea to have an annual inspection to make sure everything works as it should. Also, check that nothing is threatening to plug the drain such as gravel or nearby roots.

If your drain is clogged for one reason or another, you should call a specialist. The latter can tell you if a simple cleaning will be enough to restore your drain and put it back in good condition or if repairs are necessary.

How much does it cost to install a French drain?

Of course, you certainly want to get an idea of ​​what it will cost you to lay your new drain. Although the price varies depending on the contractor with whom you decide to do business, this amount will be between $ 7000 and $ 12000 (which is between $ 150 and $ 300 per linear foot). If you plan to waterproof your foundations, expect a rate of between $ 90 and $ 100 per linear foot.

Are you looking for more information about French drain installation projects?

What is a French drain?