Construction Constractors in Newcastle, Ontario

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Did you know?

Building a new home does not necessarily cost more than buying an existing home. Furthermore, a new home represents a very good investment in the long term from an economic and ecological standpoint. In fact, several governments across the country offer tax credits and financial advantages for people planning to build new homes. You should contact your provincial government and municipal authorities in order to know which programs are currently available and what are the steps you must undertake in order to get access to said programs.

Why build a new home instead of buying one that is already built?

There are many reasons for which one may prefer to build a home instead of buying one that already exists. Some make this choice to have a modern home that is totally adapted to their needs, while others seek to invest in a sustainable home. Here are some other reasons:

-  Saving energy

It should be noted that the construction sector has made great progress in terms of insulation and soundproofing, giving rise to comfortable and energy-saving properties. By investing in a new home, you can turn on the heat without blowing up your electricity bill.

At the design stage, you will have to decide with your contractor which materials to use, based on their energy performance. Among other things, it is possible to choose the energy systems and appliances in your home, which implies great flexibility.

- Living in a healthy home

As the years go by, Canadian homes tend to develop problems with moisture and mould. This is especially dangerous for people with asthma, chronic respiratory diseases, allergies, or weakened immune systems, because the air inside the house will be affected.

Decay and lack of maintenance are two major factors relating to moisture problems. Having a new house built ensures that you do not encounter this type of inconvenience.

- Avoiding the need to renovate

Many homeowners who invest in an existing home end up renovating it afterwards. This creates additional costs and stress that you would not experience when building a custom home. Owning a new home will help you avoid thinking about major renovation projects at least for the next 10 or 20 years, since it is you who makes all the decisions related to its construction.

Here are other articles that could be interesting to read so that you are well informed and prepared for your meetings with general contractors: