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8 min read

Paul Riopel

14 Jan 2025

The Best Paint for Furniture: Knowing How to Choose for Success

The renowned DIY projects, varying in complexity but always inspiring, are steadily growing in popularity. While there's something for every taste, furniture restoration projects are undoubtedly among the most appreciated. Whether it's a century-old chest of drawers or a worn-out kitchen cabinet being given a second life, there are plenty of possibilities.

7 min read

Editorial Team

07 Jan 2025

Is Paint Toxic? How to Limit Its Effect on Your Health

Over the last few years, several types of paint have been banned due to the risks they pose to exposed professionals and dwellers alike. Today, numerous manufacturers affirm that their products are safe and reliable, even eco-friendly, further validated by specific logos featured on their labels. However, the composition of certain types of paint is far from reassuring. 

Renovation tips
6 min read

Editorial Team

18 Dec 2024

The Environmental Benefits of Eco-Friendly Paint

At a time during which we’re progressively favouring eco-friendly products, the construction and renovation trades remain amongst the most pollution-generating industries. Despite well-meaning intentions and whether stemming from the product’s manufacturing process, usage, or disposal, several materials will have adverse effects on both the homeowners’ health and the planet. 



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