Exterior Siding Contractors in Authier, Quebec

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Your exterior cladding project

Serving to protect against natural elements for your house and acting as a major player in terms of style, external cladding is critically important for any property. Selecting the material will often require a big investment and you have to think twice before settling your choice.

Choosing the exterior covering

Since nothing is ever black or white, each cladding has its pros and cons. Vinyl siding, for example, is shock and scratch resistant, lightweight and inexpensive. In return, it can contract depending on the temperature and even fade under the effect of sunlight.

Another popular material for siding, wood has an undeniable charm that ranks among its greatest benefits. Unfortunately, it requires special care to keep its charm over the years. In addition, it is vulnerable to mould that can lead to major damage.

Brick siding is a classic, as well as a winning choice in terms of soundproofing. Highly resistant, it is unfortunately expensive and is subject to certain problems that may occur over time such as bulging.

With that said, what are the other exterior cladding options available to you and the price of their installation? To find out, do not hesitate to consult our article: Exterior siding: information, installation and material prices.

Clean the coating

Sometimes, there is no need to change the exterior cladding. A good cleaning may be enough to restore its former glory and to help you keep it for years to come.

For aluminum cladding, unwanted mould stains can be cleaned with a mixture of bleach, all-purpose detergent and degreaser.

For a vinyl coating, the cleaning will be done primarily with a restoration product, often accompanied by a cleaning agent used to remove oxidation on the coating as well as small particles that could be on its surface.

For your brick cladding that has accumulated dirt for too long, the use of a pressure washer will be of great help. What should you do in case staining has occurred? The use of caustic soda lye is recommended.

Would you like more information on how to clean exterior siding materials? Read our article How to clean exterior siding.

How to install exterior cladding

Do you think you have the manual skills to install your exterior cladding? Follow our recommendations and your project should run smoothly.

Of course, this long-term project is not the responsibility of everyone. The mere idea of undertaking it makes you cringe? Don’t hesitate to do business with a professional!

Here are some reading suggestions about exterior siding so you'll be well informed before the start of your project: