Demolition Contractors in Napanee, Ontario

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Here are some Demolition contractors in Napanee, Ontario

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Your demolition project

Dreaming about destroying your wall with a hammer? Although this idea may sound exciting, you should know that it is, unfortunately, best to entrust this type of project to a contractor.

Why hire a contractor for your demolition project?

The reasons are as numerous as they are varied: the use of heavy machinery, the risks presented for safety as well as the requirements for time management and work planning.

Demolition: a question of safety and equipment

Demolition work requires many tools that ordinary people do not store in their garage: hydraulic hammers, skid steers, excavators and more.

Since demolition contractors have access to this equipment and know how to use it in a safe way, logically they are the best place to carry out any project involving them.

Secondly, you should know that any bad initiative can be expensive and even disastrous in the worst case.

On this point, it should be emphasized that only a contractor with solid experience will be able to guarantee that the work will be carried out without inflicting damage to the structure.

Hiring a contractor: for which demolition projects?

Here are some examples of demolition projects for which you should do business with a contractor:

  • Building a home extension;
  • Driveway renovation;
  • Removing a pool;
  • Installing a new patio.

Do you want to demolish a non-load bearing wall?

First of all, are you sure your wall is non-load bearing? A non-load bearing wall will usually sound hollow due to the fact that it is thinner than a load-bearing wall. The latter, for its part, is usually an exterior wall or an interior wall somehow linked to the structure of the house.

In addition, be aware that a concrete or brick wall is often load-bearing due to its greater thickness. Another important fact: a load-bearing wall will generally be placed parallel to the main beam.

Finally, note that the best thing would be to call on a specialist to make sure that no mistake is made in the identification of load-bearing and non-load bearing walls.

Do you need more information about demolition projects? Here is a list of articles that might interest you: