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Your heat pump installation project

Thinking of installing a heat pump in your home? To make an informed decision, take note of the benefits of this heating and cooling system and the models available to you.

What options are available?

Essentially, there are two types of heat pumps: the wall model and the central model. Let's see in more detail the specificities of each of these.

The wall mounted-heat pump

The wall-mounted heat pump differs from the central model due to its ability to operate in the absence of ventilation ducts. Moreover, this characteristic makes it easier to install, because no work is required for the installation of ducts. Finally, this system offers the possibility to precisely adjust the temperature inside the house.

The central model

For its part, the central model aims to control the temperature in each room of the house, which is why it includes several independent systems. In addition, central heat pumps need ventilation ducts because the way they work is that they transfer heat from room to room.

Want to learn more about the respective characteristics of each of these models? To do this, read our article How does a heat pump work?

The advantages of a heat pump

The purchase of a heat pump is definitely a major investment, but the benefits are still considerable. Among these, let's highlight:

  • Improved comfort inside the house, summer and winter;
  • It offers good value for money;
  • It reduces heating costs in the long term;
  • It is an eco-friendly system.

How much should you expect to pay for a heat pump?

For your heat pump, you can expect to pay between $ 4000 and $ 7000. For those who would like to compare the price of this system with that of the other heating options available on the market, we have a particularly informative article on this subject. Check out our article “The cost of air conditioning systems”.

Before you buy your heat pump

In order to choose a heat pump that suits your needs and that you will not regret purchasing, pay attention to these few elements:

  • The energy efficiency rate (SEER, RES or TRES), the higher it is, the lower your cooling costs will be;
  • The heating coefficient (CPSC or HSPF), the higher it is, the more energy you will save.
  • The noise produced by the heat pump.

For more information on the energy efficiency of your heat pump, read our article: How to maintain a heat pump?