Framing Carpenters in Vaughan, Ontario

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Need a carpenter-joiner for your renovation project?

What is the role of a carpenter?

In short, the role of a carpenter-joiner is to build, erect or repair a construction (usually chipboard, steel or wood). In addition, they are responsible for the following tasks:

  • Installing doors, mouldings and stairs;
  • Preparing plans for clients;
  • Installing floor beams;
  • Laying the flooring support;
  • Assembling the preassembled elements of a roof or a frame.

What type of frame should be built for your new home?

The wooden frame

If choosing a wooden frame can stroke fear about its durability, the fact remains that this material has passed the test of time. Engineered wood, in particular, is recognized for its great strength and is well suited to large constructions.

It offers very good insulation (in comparison with concrete and steel) and this ecological material allows carpenters to carry out projects more quickly due to the modular nature of its elements.

Unfortunately, wood requires the application of treatment product before its use, which means that its composition contains products that can have an adverse effect on health. Sensitive to moisture, it is also naturally less fire-resistant.

A steel or concrete frame

If wood is a popular choice, steel or concrete framing is more and more popular. Learn more about these types of frames in our article, How to strengthen the structure of a building

The construction of your staircase

The carpenter-joiner is the right man for the job when comes the time to build your new staircase.

As pointed out in our article How to design a staircase, the standards to be followed in the construction of a staircase are numerous and these concern each of its components (including the height and the depth of the step, the depth of the tread, the breakaway and the width and height of the landing).

To avoid getting a lot of headaches, doing business with a carpenter is definitely the best option available to you.

Would you like to know more about the work that can be done by a carpenter? Check out our articles on the subject: