Home Extension Contractors in Vaughan, Ontario

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Did you know?

Whether your project involves adding a new floor, building a garage or setting up a new basement, certain home renovation contractors are specialized in building home extensions. Be aware that in the majority of cases, you will need to obtain a building permit from the city where you live before the work starts.

A home expansion project requires the intervention of several trades, including a carpenter, a plumber, or an electrician who will perform the necessary installations and connections. A general contractor will be able to help you in order to coordinate the work and finalize the job on time.

Ideas for a home extension project

If you are lucky enough to have an outdoor space that allows you to expand your home, it is surely time to take the plunge by carrying out a transformation project that will help you fully enjoy your home. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

- Building a solarium

The solarium is an element that entices more and more homeowners wishing to expand their home. Nowadays, this type of installation has much better insulation than in the past, with a reduction in heat loss. The solarium is a very good investment that will greatly increase the value of your home.

-  Expanding the kitchen

Since your family will be growing with time, there comes a moment when a bigger kitchen becomes necessary to optimize your comfort in this busy area. By calling in a professional who specializes in home addition projects, you will be able to determine the feasibility of the project and ensure the results are up to your expectations once the work is completed.

- Installing a new floor

This is a fairly complex intervention that requires some expertise to carry out the project safely. This type of project is quite expensive so take the time to shop around for a contractor to expand your home.

For more information, visit: RenoQuotes.com home extension guide

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