Caulking Contractors in Arundel, Quebec

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Are you looking for information about caulking for your renovation project?

Window caulking: why is it so important?

The existence of winter is the first answer to this question. However, remember that bad caulking is also the first entryway for water in your home.

It slips insidiously into the gap between the siding and the window and after a while, you can say goodbye to your window frame.

Secondly, let's not forget to highlight the increase in your heating bill that you will notice with the approach of winter and warm air leaking outside your home.

How to use caulking in your home

Are you a seasoned handyman thinking you can do the work yourself? Here are some tips to follow:

* Carry out your project at a temperature between 8 and 25 degrees to prevent the caulking from drying too quickly;

* Use masking tape to do a more precise job without smudges;

* Look for quality when shopping for a caulking product, inexpensive products sometimes give unsatisfactory results. 

How much do caulking projects cost?

Since everything is a question of price, here are the options available to you for window caulking, as well as the prices for each of them:

* Professional caulking: $ 900 to $ 2,500 (for a medium size home);

* Urethane sealant: $ 7.97 (300 ml);

* Thermoplastic sealant: $ 6.75 (300 ml);

* Acoustical sealant: $ 4.62 (300 ml);

* Latex sealant: $ 2.29 (300 ml).

Here are some reading suggestions on the subject that may interest you:

Five essential ways to weatherproof your home

All about the functional foyer

3 tips to improve the insulation of an exterior door

How to repair caulking around your bath insulation and soundproofing guide