Commercial Contractors in Arundel, Quebec

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Your commercial renovation project

Thinking of renovating your business and looking for a commercial contractor?

You’re probably already wondering how to plan such a big renovation project and how to choose the right contractor? We’ve got you covered with some guidelines!

Budget planning

What do you want to accomplish during this project: improve the functionality of the space, increase the available space to accommodate customers or change the look of the establishment? Once you have identified your goal, you can determine the major steps of your renovation project and set a budget.

Choosing your contractor

This is a decisive step for the future, for which you must follow certain recommendations. At first, be sure to select at least 4 or 5 offers from which you will make your choice.

First of all, make sure that the selected contractors have the required licenses to perform the work and have some experience in the field of commercial renovation. Once these checks are done, compare their offers and evaluate which one of them is able to make the most of the budget you have.

Consulting portfolios is also important because it will give you the chance to find a contractor whose previous achievements share similarities with your project. Also, be sure to check the comments of customers who have done business with them in the past to validate your decision.

Need more information on choosing your contractor for your next commercial renovation project? Check out our article Commercial Renovation Project: How to Find the Right Contractor.

Renovating your restaurant

For the renovation of your restaurant, several ideas can guide you in your reflection on the changes that should be made:

  • Are the premises safe and in the event of a fire, will everyone be able to evacuate quickly?
  • Does the layout of the furniture allow people to move with ease?
  • Does the size of chairs and tables ensure the comfort of your customers?
  • What type of flooring would be most appropriate for your restaurant?

On this last point, it is recommended to choose a type of coating that stands out for its soundproofing properties, is easy to clean and compliments the design of the room.

Renovating your store: a few factors to consider

The facade

If you own a shop, you know that the appearance of your storefront is a decisive factor in the first impression people will have of your store. Indeed, it is the spokesperson of sorts for your store and must reflect the diversity of your products while presenting a specific atmosphere.

The choice of display stands

To make a wise choice, choose models that harmonize with the style of your shop. Secondly, make sure that they are of a sufficient size to answer your storage needs, but that they do not compromise the circulation of your customers.