Tile Layers in Quyon, Quebec

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Would you like to find out more about ceramics to be better prepared for your project?

Did you know?

In some parts of Canada, a contractor who installs ceramic on floors and other surfaces must hold a permit. By hiring a certified professional to carry out this type of project, quality work is guaranteed and the consumer is better protected in case of material or bodily injury.

What are the rooms where you can lay ceramic tiles?

Ceramic is used to adorn both walls and floors. Available in a multitude of colours, shapes and patterns, it will be very easy to achieve the desired look using this material. Here is an overview of the rooms where you could use ceramic as flooring or wall covering material:

The kitchen

To create an elegant kitchen without breaking the bank with materials such as marble or natural stone, ceramics can be an interesting alternative. Being weight and scratch-resistant, ceramics will be perfect for a room like the kitchen. You can use it for walls, floors or countertops.

The bathroom

Recognized for its durability, water tightness and ease of maintenance, ceramic is the ideal material for washrooms and bathrooms. By choosing large format tiles or positioning them vertically, you are sure to optimize the space of the room. There is a wide variety of ceramic tiles that will fit perfectly with your bathroom furniture.

Ceramics in the living room

Tired of having to replace the fragile wooden floor in your living room? Why not opt for a ceramic coating that will not scratch due to moving chairs and that will not be damaged by your pets. When it comes to maintenance, vacuuming or mopping is enough to make your floor shine at all times.

To learn more about ceramics, check out our article: Different types of ceramics and their features

Here are other articles that could be interesting so that you are well informed and prepared for your meetings with contractors specializing in ceramic laying: