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Editorial Team
•04 Sep 2024
What's a Sonotube?
In Quebec, concrete is used for a variety of purposes, like foundations, flooring, and even kitchen countertops. However, it’s not as commonly mentioned when it comes to piles. Maybe it's due to its utilitarian side rather than its aesthetic one? One thing’s for sure, one can spot concrete-made columns, whether in the city or the countryside. They’re used for both residential and commercial projects.
Editorial Team
•07 Nov 2023
Translucent Concrete: When Innovation Meets Nature
Concrete is one of the most common construction materials on the planet. Up until the end of the 1900s, it was bestowed with numerous qualities, but none were that of luminosity…
Editorial Team
•07 Nov 2023
What's There to Know About Fibre-Reinforced Concrete?
Fibre-reinforced concrete was a definite turning point in the construction industry. Designed to offset the brittleness of standard concrete and with a low-tensile strength, fibre-reinforced concrete sets a new record. As a result, some mixtures allow for fewer rebar use on construction sites since this material can withstand tensile forces of 2,300 MPa, compared to standard concrete’s 500 MPa.