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How to Organize Your Schedule During Busy Season

How to Organize Your Schedule During Busy Season

Advice for contractorHow to Organize Your Schedule During Busy Season

As a renovation contractor, are you already thinking about the overwhelming amount of jobs you’ll have during peak business periods? Albeit a busy, hectic schedule is nothing but good news, organizing your schedule accordingly may be a job on its own!

So, how can you tackle the busiest season of the year? Below are some tips, courtesy of 

Organizational Tips for a Busy Work Season

Use Software Designed for You

Getting organized for the busy work season

Source: Canva

Our number one tip to help get you through this hectic period is to use software that was specially designed with renovation contractors in mind. 

Amongst such software is our partner, Elper. Unlike general-purpose software, Elper was specifically designed with the unique requirements of the construction industry at its forefront. Courtesy of its intuitive and user-friendly interface, said software is an all-in-one solution tailored to the specific needs of industry professionals:

  • Send quotes

  • Create timesheets 

  • Establish budgets

  • Monitor expenses

  • And more

Elper was designed to suit a slew of different platforms, from desktop computers to mobile devices, tablets included. In a nutshell, said software makes for remarkable user-related flexibility, allowing you to manage your construction projects efficiently, no matter where you are.

Also notable is Go-Estimations, a software that allows you to assess material- and labour-related costs associated with any given renovation project, regardless of its scale.

Note that cost-related estimates are based on all aspects of a project, which includes expenses related to:

  • All work done (electrical wiring, foundation, plumbing, and others)

  • Labour involved

  • Materials used

Said feature will help you control project-specific expenses and keep track of your finances at all times.

Now then, let’s take a closer look at Acomba. This professional services suite allows you to manage a slew of data, such as payroll and accounting, as well as steps and tasks to carry out during the scope of each project contracted out to you. Using said software means organizing your time, staff, finances, and deadlines effectively. 

Why Wait? Hire Now!

Getting organized during the busy work season

Source: Canva

This will come as no surprise, a lack of qualified labour is a massive issue when handling more than you can chew. As such, ensuring you have the necessary workforce to fulfill all job requirements is beyond important.

Moreover, you should put some time aside to select future employees wisely. So, how do you go about finding qualified workers who will also come as assets to your company?

If you already have an account with, you can start requesting applications now. Simply head to your contractor profile, click on “Filter,” then “Advanced filters.” Once done, scroll down to "Clients/Employees," and turn on, “I want to receive potential employees.”

From there, we’ll send you résumés submitted by industry professionals. As a result, you'll be able to bridge your staffing gap by accessing candidate applications from qualified professionals with the proper licences and skills needed to work for you. 

You can also check out well-known job search sites for construction workers. You can post your job openings and benefit from the help of professional recruiters throughout the process.

Planning, Time and Again!

Getting organized for the busy season

Source: Canva

Before heading into the busy season, which always seems to be around the corner, take some time to mark your calendar with every job you’ve agreed to take on and plan their timelines accordingly.

To max out your calendar, start looking for jobs that might be in your wheelhouse right on our platform. That way, you won't miss out on any opportunities!

If you need advice regarding the details figuring on quotes you intend to submit to potential clients, check out our article Calculating and Presenting Free Quotes to Clients. Below are some pointers to help you present your fees to current and potential clients in the best light:

  • Establish a clear project proposal

  • List project-related advantages

  • Highlight potential project-related hurdles

  • Explain why they should pick you over other contractors

Looking for other useful pointers to submit quotes to clients? Check out our article: Home Renovation Contractor: 8 Tips for Presenting Cost Estimates to Clients.

Educate Yourself

Before the busy season gets underway, take advantage of this quieter period to chat with suppliers and find out more about the products that will be available during that period. In doing so, you surely won’t find yourself high and dry when it comes to fulfilling your contractual agreements, crowding up your calendar.

Also, if you’re on the lookout for current renovation trends, given the ever-evolving nature of the industry, take some time to refine your knowledge, and anticipate client needs and demands to showcase innovative concepts, setting yourself apart from the crowd.

Optimize Your Contractor Profile

Getting organized during the busy work season

Source: Canva

Do you already have an active contractor account on our platform? If your profile hasn’t been updated in a while, let us know! We can look over your information and ensure that your profile reflects your current needs.

Indeed, by updating your profile, we’ll also be able to confirm the range of projects (minimum to maximum) that appeal to you. Has your company grown since we last spoke, and you’re looking to take on bigger projects? Optimizing your profile will help you find exactly what you’re looking for!

Also, note that you can change (if need be) the regions/areas you cover, as well as the services offered.

Are you not a fan of emails swarming in at all hours? That’s fine! We can change your profile settings, ensuring potential jobs are set to come in during a fixed time slot, whenever best suits you.

Feel free to reach out to us by email or phone for customer service support.

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Last modified 2024-06-20

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