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Editorial Team
•20 Sep 2024
How to Choose Between Natural Grass or Artificial Turf
Artificial turf is thought to be easier to maintain compared to natural grass and more durable. Myth or fact? How can you settle for one over the other? Also, what are the advantages and drawbacks of these two types of lusciously green surfaces? Keep reading to find out!

Cynthia Pigeon
•11 Apr 2024
Step-by-Step Guide to Laying Sod
Are you tired of looking at a spent lawn and thinking of laying sod to spruce it up? Question is, how should you proceed with this little seasonal project?

Karine Dutemple
•15 Feb 2024
The Cost of Sod
Are you unhappy with the look of your backyard? Sod rolls could quickly give a new lease of life to this faded land whose appearance is causing you so much despair. Before you start this project, you will surely want to know how much enjoying a new lawn this summer will cost you.