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How to Use Social Networks for Your Renovation Company

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How to Use Social Networks for Your Renovation Company

Advice for contractorHow to Use Social Networks for Your Renovation Company

Social networks are among the most effective marketing tools available today. Utilising these platforms has become paramount for any company aiming to increase its visibility.

Canada boasts one of the highest rates of social media usage in the world relative to its population. Therefore, your company stands to benefit significantly from maintaining an active presence on these networks.

Using Social Media for Your Business

Person editing videos for social media

Source: Canva

At the beginning of 2024, 31.90 million Canadians, representing nearly 82% of the population, were using social media networks. So, if you're looking to stand out from the competition in order to attract more clients, you'll need to develop an online presence. 

Social media is a very effective tool for building trust-based relationships with clients. These platforms foster a sense of closeness between users and the companies they follow, facilitating various forms of communication. 

With so many options to choose from, and so many possibilities of content to share, it can be difficult to navigate the social media landscape. Here is a quick rundown that should help set you on the right path toward success online.

The Different Social Media Platforms

Social media

Source: Canva

As of today, the biggest social networks are Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), and Pinterest. Of course, a renovation company won’t have the same needs as, for example, an insurance company. That’s why it's imperative to understand which social media will best suit your company. First, let’s take a look at the user statistics for each of these media platforms.

Top Social Media Networks Used by Canadians in 2024

Here are the latest statistics on the percentage of the Canadian population using various social media platforms:

Facebook: 73.4%

Instagram: 57%

TikTok: 41.1%

X (formerly Twitter): 39.5%

Pinterest: 33.5%

How to Use Them

As helloDarwin explains, if you're new to social media, it's best to start by focusing on one or two platforms rather than attempting all options at once. This approach allows you to find your niche in the market and experiment with strategies that resonate with your business.

Trying to manage too many platforms at once can reduce your efficiency and impact. When choosing platforms, consider where you can build a significant following most effectively. For example, if you already have 1000 followers on Facebook compared to 100 on Twitter, it makes sense to prioritise Facebook initially. As your presence grows on one platform, you can gradually expand to others.

Here's a quick guide on effectively utilising social media for your construction business:

Diversify Your Content

If your website content is identical to what's on your Facebook or Instagram, for example, potential clients won't have a reason to follow you on multiple platforms. Diversify your content to keep followers engaged and looking for new information.

Ensure a presence on several key platforms to increase visibility. This doesn't mean you need to be active on every social network. Instead, focus on the most popular ones, such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, and Pinterest.

Make Sure It's Relevant

Before doing business with you, potential clients will want to verify your knowledge and expertise. By visiting your website and reading high-quality articles on your blog, they can find concrete proof that you have the skills to meet their needs and answer their questions.


To build relationships with potential clients, engage in the comment sections of your Facebook posts and use keywords to boost your content's visibility. Lead and moderate conversations to increase your page's reach.

Additionally, create a contact list of engaged followers from your website and other social networks. Use this list to communicate via email about your company's activities and upcoming changes.

Maintain a Constant Presence

Your level of involvement on social media is crucial for generating enthusiasm among potential customers. Ensure that any questions arising from your Facebook posts are promptly answered.

Additionally, regularly update your website with new content. If your site appears outdated, users may perceive a lack of commitment and stop visiting.

Find Your Target Audience

There's little point in reaching out to these uninterested in your services. So, to identify individuals interested in topics relevant to your company, look for those engaging with keywords related to your business or similar subjects.

What Kind of Content Should You Publish?

The ratio should be 80% interactive posts and 20% promotional posts. Here are a few examples of posts that work, especially on Facebook:

  • Post practical advice and photos or videos of before and after results for renovation jobs.

  • Tell your fans to visit your website.

  • Share links towards articles or websites you consider useful and interesting.

  • Add a “share” button on your website which will allow the visitors to share your page with all their friends.

  • Answer any  questions  that pop up on your pages and ask your clients to write positive reviews of your company.

  • Improve your customer service by remaining in touch with your clients before, during, and after the project.

  • Post demonstration videos.

  • Establish networking relationships with companies linked to your field.

Find an Expert to Manage Your Social Media

Do you want to create a more developed presence on social networks but you do not have the time or the capabilities to carry out the long-term management? Why not hire someone to do it?

The helloDarwin site can put you in touch with agencies and self-employed workers who offer this kind of service. The platform works like that of, meaning that you only have to submit your project to be put in contact with 3 suppliers.

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Last modified 2024-06-27

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