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Renovation Contractor: Why you Should Optimize your Profile

Renovation Contractor: Why you Should Optimize your Profile

Advice for contractorRenovation Contractor: Why you Should Optimize your Profile

As a contractor, the trust-based relationship that you build with your customers is essential to your success and to the growth of your company. If you are already a member of our network, you've probably taken the time to fill out your profile page.  

This task may seem like a mere formality but it should not be underestimated. Is some information missing or incomplete? Here is why you should act quickly to fix this situation. 

The quality level of your profile influences your visibility 

Source: Canva

First of all, you must always keep in mind that your contractor profile is visible to the public. Therefore, people who are looking for a contractor for their next renovation project might land on this page when searching the internet.

Do you already have a business website? This is an asset and a good business decision. However, you should take into account the fact that your profile page might appear higher in the search results than your personal website. 

Secondly, when you buy a project, the client who made the request receives a link to your profile page. This fact enhances how important it is to have a profile page filled with detailed information. Be sure to pay special attention to anything that can showcase your skills, as well as the quality of the projects you have carried out. 

You should also pay attention to how your written content is presented, including both the aesthetical aspect and the information that is covered. If you are not talented in this department, you can ask a friend to revise your content. Although many people tend to view this aspect as being less important, a lack of rigour in this department could affect your credibility. 

Click here to sign in to your contractor account. This way, you can apply modifications as you read this article. 

What do you need to do? 

Source: Canva

Pay special attention to photos and videos

Regarding the visual aspect of your profile, this isn't the time to practice moderation. Do not hesitate to add several photos of your projects and make sure that these images properly illustrate the whole span of services that you offer, or at least most of them. Also, try to select photos that have been captured on a sunny day, as good natural light will showcase the quality of your work.  `

Moreover, don't forget to make your logo highly visible. Since it acts as an eye-catching element that will help people quickly identify your company, it should be clearly visible. 

Don't forget that you can also present videos that showcase the different steps of your project. This additional information will be highly appreciated and as the saying goes, an image is worth a thousand words! 

Update your informations 

Source: Canva

Your contact details

Since you will want your clients to be able to reach you easily, make sure the contact information on your profile is up to date. Do not omit any of the information that can be included within your profile, such as Instagram, Facebook and your website. 

The services that you offer

Over time and as your company grows, you may have developed other skills. Not only does your profile page allow you to present the services that you offer in a detailed manner but it also enables your customer base to learn about said changes. Therefore, if you are able to carry out new types of projects, your potential clients will be aware of the new services you are offering. 

The territories that you cover

In keeping with the previous idea, you should update the list of territories that you cover so that people living in these areas can hire your company. You can also remove any territories that you do not cover (if applicable). 

Assess the Value of the Projects in Question

Lastly, you should check whether the minimum and maximum amounts for the types of services that you offer are still valid. This will ensure that you only receive projects which may be of interest to you. 

Ask for customer reviews

Send a survey to clients

On another note, be sure to ask your clients to fill out a satisfaction survey once their project has been completed. This testimonial will be very useful when looking to attract new customers. To garner more reviews, you can head to your dashboard and click on "send a satisfaction survey to this client".

Are you worried about people leaving unfounded bad reviews? No worries! In case of doubt, an investigation will be carried out to verify that the comment is legitimate. 

Need assistance?

Do you have any questions regarding your profile page are you looking for advice on how to optimize your account? Do not hesitate to get in touch with our customer service representatives. 

Here are the best ways to contact us: 

If you haven't signed up to become a contractor and you'd like to join our network, click here to fill out the form. 

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Last modified 2024-04-15

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