Doors And Windows Contractors in Halifax Mid-Harbour, Nova Scotia

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Your renovation door and window renovation project

Serving both to block the cold during the winter and to protect against outdoor elements, your door can also add a unique touch to your decor. Whether you want to install a brand new door or revamp the one you already have, a professional can help you.

The different types of interior doors

The swing door

A true classic, the swing door is the most affordable model of all. Fixed on hinges and well-suited for a rustic decor, the swing door is available in the form of panels or with an even surface.

The French door

A large part of the French door’s surface is equipped with large windows which add clarity and brightness inside the rooms. Whether you choose a retractable model or a regular model of this elegant door, the French door will not be hard to integrate into your décor.

The folding door

Whether you need a door for your closet or to separate two adjacent rooms, the folding door is the perfect choice for those who lack space. Since it has no door leaf, this makes it very practical for homes whose area is limited.

The sliding door

The sliding door is great for people with reduced mobility who want to make the most of the space to facilitate the circulation between the rooms. Moreover, it often turns out to be the best choice for small rooms. Note that some models have windows that are as large as French doors.

Looking to know more about the prices of different models of interior doors? Read the following articles:

Change your windows

Energy efficiency: a standard of choice

To choose your new windows, look for a model with an energy efficiency rating between 0 and 50, with 50 being the best performance possible. Windows with EnergyStar certification (double or triple glazed) leave very little heat, which should motivate you to choose this type of model first.

How much does it cost to change your windows?

But how much does it cost to change its windows? Here is an overview:

• Double hung window: between $ 650 and $ 1000

• Casement window: between $ 300 and $ 650

• Awning window: between $ 550 and $ 800

• The "transom" type window: between $ 450 and $ 900

• The fixed window: between $ 300 and $ 1000

• The glazed window: between $ 1,500 and $ 4,000

• The arched window: between $ 400 and $ 1200

Need more information on the respective characteristics of these types of windows? See our article 7 different window styles to consider for your home