Drywall Tapers in Stouffville, Ontario

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Your drywall taping project

If you’ve never applied drywall joint compound in your life, you certainly have someone around you who has already done so. Maybe they told you about the mistakes they made along the way?

To avoid these problems, take note of the following recommendations that will put you on the right track. Renovations are not your cup of tea? Don’t hesitate to call on a professional who will be able to put their expertise at your service.

Errors to avoid when applying drywall joint compound for a drywall taping project

Since drywall taping is a project that requires a lot of attention to detail and is not particularly entertaining, you won’t want to have to go back to work once it has been completed. To avoid having to repeat this project, be sure to follow these few recommendations:

  • Work on stable panels, otherwise, cracks will soon appear;
  • Avoid drywall taping in cold, rainy or windy rooms, because if they can’t dry properly, they will crack;
  • Don’t just apply a single thick layer of compound to mask the presence of holes or imperfections, as it will eventually crack.

How to apply drywall compound

There are several basic rules that must be followed when applying drywall joint compound and if you fail to follow them, you will quickly start experiencing problems. Here are a few recommendations for your drywall taping project:

  • Respect a drying time of 18 to 24 hours between each layer;
  • Protect the surrounding surfaces adequately;
  • Make three layers to have a quality result;
  • Do not put too much weight on the joint compound;
  • If the compound is too dense, it will affect the finished product. If necessary, dilute it with a little bit of water.

What about sandblasting? Do not neglect to take the necessary time during this stage; it will have a decisive impact on the final result.

Once the work is done, you will undoubtedly see a lot of dust on the floor of the room. Start by removing as much as you can with a broom and a wet cloth. You may need to repeat this step several times.

Do you need additional information on the technique to use for drywall taping? Check out our article How to apply drywall compound