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Your woodworking project 

The natural interest that people have for woodworking and cabinetmaking dates back to many years.  

Both unique and original, wood elements that are made by hand require know-how that only a professional possesses. 

A brief history of woodworking in Canada: from European classics to modern style 

From the beginnings of the colony up to 1870, the production of furniture was not always carried out by woodworkers and cabinetmakers, it was rather divided between themselves and the carpenters.  

In 1935, the School of furniture of Montreal opened. This institution marked the rise of cabinetmaking and its professionalization under the direction of big names such as Alfred Pellan, Charles Daudelin and Marcelle Ferron. The contribution of the latter, mainly in office between 1937 and 1945, allowed the craft of woodworking to take flight and flourish until the 50s. 

The process of creating your piece of furniture 

A cabinet maker works on creating wooden elements and pieces of furniture through every step of the building process. With the goal of developing the piece’s design according to your needs,  they will also consult you for the choice of materials so that these suit your budget. Therefore, you mustn’t be worried that the raw material for your new furniture will melt away your budget! 

Choosing a wood essence and its influence on the price 

Cabinetmakers work with several types of wood, which allows you to benefit from a wide range of choices: oak, maple, walnut, cherry, etc. Of course, this choice will have an influence on the price of your new acquisition. The scarcity of wood, as well as its quality (evaluated according to the presence of more or less important knots), will be instrumental in determining the final price. 

Carrying out your project by yourself 

Are you a handyman hoping to reduce the costs for your project? Although this is not impossible, it is important to know that this type of project will require many skills: plating, bending, carving, assembly, machining parts, making plans, etc. The list is long and largely justifies the need for cabinetmakers and woodworking specialists to undergo training to practice their profession. 

Also, if you lack equipment, you will need to buy a lot of tools: stationary machine, drill press, leveller, mitre saw, belt sander and much more.