Ventilation Contractors in Amherst, Quebec

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Your ventilation project

The importance of proper ventilation inside your home

Obviously, no one likes to smell stale air inside their house. Although it is absolutely essential to remove the pollutants and odours circulating in your home, the importance of properly ventilating your home is also related to the need to prevent moisture from remaining in the home and causing the proliferation of mould.

Do you need an air exchanger?

If natural ventilation is a staple during the summer, we must opt for a different approach during the cold season. This is where the air exchanger comes into play, an option that allows you to properly ventilate your home at all times.

With regards to the air exchanger, certain parameters must be taken into account to guide you in your choice, among which:

  • The presence of smokers;
  • The number of inhabitants inside the house and whether some of them have allergies if any;
  • The number of potential sources of moisture.

Also, find out about the difference between a heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or an energy recovery device (ERV) to identify what would be best for your needs.

Basement ventilation

Due to its greater propensity to accumulating moisture, the basement requires special attention. But what are the devices available to properly ventilate this room?

• The English courtyard: discreet and flexible, it adapts well to the various configurations of rooms;

• Ventilation grids, windows and vents: practical and traditional, they require minimal maintenance to maintain their efficiency;

• Controlled mechanical ventilation: single or double flow, this is ideal to avoid condensation on the walls of the basement and to carry out a constant control of the humidity.

• Reverse mechanical ventilation or insufflation: also suitable for ventilation of the house, its greatest advantage is the effective control of moisture.

Crawlspace ventilation: did you know that ...

Did you know that from autumn to spring, it is recommended to install a dehumidifier or a small fan inside your crawl space? By running it between 15 and 20 minutes per hour, you will allow your crawl space to be properly ventilated

However, this technique is not recommended during the summer, as this will cause the hot air to return to the crawl space.

Do you only want to change the fan of your bathroom? See our article What to consider when choosing your bathroom fan?

Need additional information on ventilation in your home? Check out our articles on the subject: