Foundation Contractors in Amherst, Quebec

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Would you like to find out more in order to be better prepared for your foundation renovation project?

Did you know?

The foundation is the structure that allows your home to stay upright. Therefore, it is important to ensure that they remain in good condition throughout the lifespan of the home. If you suspect that your foundation is damaged, an expert's opinion will be needed to determine the source of the problem and how to fix it.

Foundation renovation projects represent a major task that requires the intervention of a certified and perfectly qualified contractor. Indeed, the slightest miscalculation could put your home in jeopardy. If applicable, be sure to hire a contractor who holds valid licenses to ensure that you are protected against property damage or personal injury.

How do you know if your foundations need to be renovated?

Ground movements, temperature variations and other factors naturally contribute to the wear and tear of your foundations. It is, therefore, necessary to inspect your foundation on a regular basis to recognize potential problems, as several signs can be precursors of further damage.

- Cracks in the walls

Although it is normal for a house to settle slightly over the years, excessive settling will occur through cracks in the interior or exterior walls of the home. You will then notice fine fractures, ruptures, holes, crumbling or flaking that may indicate a support problem related to your foundation.

- Water infiltration

Drainage and waterproofing of foundations is most often responsible for infiltration problems. In addition to reducing the strength of your foundations, accumulated moisture fosters the growth of mould and fungus, which is clearly a danger to your structure. In this type of situation, it is necessary to act as quickly as possible by renovating your foundations.

- Inclined floor

Over time, the foundation problems will affect other parts of the house, especially the upper floor. Inclined floors or deformed ceilings can be obvious signs that your foundation is not in good shape.

To learn more about foundation renovation projects, read our article: 10 signs that your foundation needs to be renovated

Here are some other articles that could be interesting so that you are well informed and prepared for your meetings with the contractors that are specialized in foundations: