Sound Proofing Contractors in Kahnawake, Quebec

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Your home soundproofing project

There are many different noises that characterize our daily lives: music, footsteps, little feet drumming on the floor ... If we can agree that these noises are part of everyday life, it’s clear  that we all need a little peace and quiet from time to time in order to be able to perform our daily tasks.

If you rarely get to enjoy tranquility in your own abode, it's probably time to rethink the soundproofing of your home.

The best soundproofing methods for your home

For the soundproofing of a house, it is recommended to prioritize the insulation of floors, walls and ceilings.

For ceiling insulation, two techniques are available: sound insulation with ceiling removal or without ceiling removal. Each of these has a comparable efficiency level, as long as the selected gypsum is adapted for acoustic insulation, as wood fiber panels are generally less efficient.

Want to learn more about the best soundproofing techniques for your home? Check out our article Everything you need to know about soundproofing

Improve soundproofing

If most soundproofing projects involve hiring an expert, some work can be done on your own as long as you are well informed before starting your project. Among these, you can apply acoustic sealant in all the spaces and gaps that are likely to let the sound filter like the framing or the switches.

Secondly, it is always possible to install acoustic panels in the noisiest rooms of the house. Their already remarkable efficiency is enhanced by the use of an acoustic sealant, which allows you to effectively soundproof the interior of your home.

What can be said about sound-absorbing paint? This is not the first thing to come to mind in terms of soundproofing efforts. Therefore, we need to take a moment to indicate that sound-absorbing paints currently on sale can reduce noise by up to 30% and that some brands may even reflect and absorb sound waves.

What can be said about the installation of shelves full of books? The way they fill out space makes it possible to block a certain amount of noise which could contribute to creating a calmer atmosphere.

For other soundproofing solutions, see our article 10 ways to soundproof your home

Hire an acoustician

Although we don’t often hear about this type of specialist, their expertise will be of great help in determining the most appropriate techniques to effectively solve your soundproofing problems.

For a sum of about $ 500, they will put you on the right track to find the solution that suits you and they will do so by adapting to the particularities of your home and its architecture.

Don’t want to complete the soundproofing work yourself? Hire certified professionals!