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5 reasons to become a renovation contractor

By Editorial Team

Updated on June 17, 2024

renovation contractor

One cannot simply launch a company and say that they are a renovation contractor overnight. In fact, this is a field of work that requires great preparation and above all, plenty of motivation. The beginnings represent the most difficult period because you will have to convince potential customers that you know what you are doing, being that a lack of experience is perceived as a handicap for those who embark on this adventure. 

However, you’ll be happy to know that the vast majority of home improvement contractors have entered the market with great success. In order for your entrepreneurship project to be successful, you must hire professional workers, have an excellent level of customer service and above all, be passionate about your job, which means avoiding counting the hours you have worked.

Here are 5 reasons that should motivate you to embark on the adventure to become a renovation contractor.

5 reasons to become a renovation contractor! 

renovation contractors talking

Source: Canva

1- Work in a core sector

As with the construction sector, the renovation sector is doing extremely well in many parts of Canada. The reason for this dazzling success is undoubtedly related to the advanced age of the vast majority of Canadian homes. In addition, governments offer numerous grants and tax credits to encourage homeowners to renovate their homes. 

You must know that in some parts of the country, the construction sector is experiencing a labour shortage. Admittedly, it makes it easier to obtain renovation contracts, but not the retention of workers. Therefore, becoming a contractor is also knowing how to keep workers, by offering advantageous working conditions. 

Curious about how to launch your own renovation company in Canada? Check out our article on the subject!

2- Be your own boss

Owning your own renovation business is a big responsibility. If not managed properly, you’ll risk causing conflicts with customers, subcontractors, as well as your own workers. As a renovation contractor, you should keep an eye on each of your construction sites to ensure workflow.

Of course, this will take time and energy, but you’ll have the advantage of being the only one to make important decisions about your business. Believe it or not, working in a field that excites you as well as being your own boss will make a huge difference when getting up to go to work in the morning. 

As a contractor, you’re able to select the contracts that interest you most. You can establish criteria for your selected projects in order to ensure the development of your business. You may decide to register on a customer referral platform to get more contracts. Another option is advertising through the web and social media, this will allow you to manage your personal brand while finding contracts.

Hoping to grow your renovation company? Here are 5 growth strategies!

3- Select what interests you

Although a renovation contractor splits their time between the office and building sites, this job involves being extremely personable as you’ll be interacting with customers, workers and stakeholders of all types. As a result, your customer service will need to be flawless. You should be able to both inform and reassure your clients about the progress on their projects. It’s important that we emphasize that this point really differentiates entrepreneurs and can make or break your business. 

4- Personal satisfaction

We’d gladly argue that the majority of renovation contractors are passionate about their jobs, and thus, there is a real sense of personal satisfaction when a job is completed. Moreover, it’s common to see the excellent work carried out by companies as proudly displayed on their websites. The goal of posting these images is to inspire others with their own renovation projects.

A satisfied customer will not only refer you to their friends and family but will keep you in mind when future renovation projects come along. This will offer your business an advantage over others while offering you the motivation to keep putting time and energy into running a successful business.

5- The freedom to choose your own hours

In most cases, contractors (especially home improvement contractors) don’t actually take the time to count their hours. The main advantage of being a contractor lies in the ability to work a number of hours that are right for you and taking breaks when needed.

For most entrepreneurs, summer will be the busiest time for renovation projects. The winter period is quieter because customers are looking to renovate in the winter much less. Of course, by registering with a submission platform, you’re likely to find more clients and get more contracts, even during the winter.

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