Balcony Contractors in Nepean, Ontario

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Does your balcony need to be renovated?

Whether your balcony is made of concrete, wood or stone, it has probably deteriorated in recent years. If the damage is only affecting the appearance of your balcony, then the repairs are within your reach.

If you are unlucky and the structure is also affected, then you must entrust the work to a contractor to ensure that your balcony remains safe at all times.

Renovating your wooden balcony

Is your balcony starting to look bad? It certainly bears the marks of moisture damage such as broken, bent or discolored planks.

To prevent this from happening again, apply a sealer every year or at least every two years.

To seal the wood, a cleaning and lightening product is required. It only needs to be rubbed to remove imperfections such as stains and accumulated dirt marks.

For the product to operate at full capacity, wait about 15 minutes and rinse with a pressure washer.

Should you replace the damaged boards? Well, all that depends on their condition. Whenever possible, try to keep them because a new board will tend to detonate with the rest of the balcony and it can be less aesthetically pleasing. Only if it's really necessary should you replace them.

Now, you're probably wondering what you need to do with the crooked boards? To learn more, read our article How to restore an old balcony.

Renovating your cement or stone balcony

For your concrete or stone balcony, pay attention to the presence of crumbs, cracks or honeycombs and signs of corrosion on guardrails, handrails or railing posts.

As mentioned in our article on repairing balconies, use a repair mortar that is appropriate for patching. For example, a cement concrete must be used to repair the slab, while a polymer-modified concrete must be used for aesthetic touch-ups.

As a second step, make sure your balcony still meets the standards of your municipality, otherwise you may be required to make the proper changes quickly.

Want to have a new balcony and need to know how much it will cost? Check out our Balcony Renovation Price Guide.