Masons in Drummondville, Quebec

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Did you know?

Masonry is the art of building by assembling materials. This is extremely technical work which requires knowledge and a certain amount of skills to execute the task.

In many parts of the country, one cannot simply call themselves a mason and become one thereafter, as this career requires special authorizations in order for the work to be done legally. When you hire a mason, the first thing to do would be to check their permits and insurance in order to be covered in case of damage.

What are the most common masonry problems?

The exterior walls of our homes are constantly exposed to the weather. For this reason, they tend to become fragile very quickly, especially if they are not maintained. Here is an overview of the damage that can be caused:

- Damaged bricks

This is a fairly common problem and is caused by temperature changes and other factors that will reduce the lifespan of your bricks. In this case, the intervention of a masonry contractor is necessary to replace damaged bricks and ensure the future of your home.

- Cracked walls

Whatever the size of your cracks, this is a problem that is not to be taken lightly because it can point to much more serious problems regarding your foundation. Cracks will cause water infiltration, insulation problems and insect infestations. A professional mason will clearly determine the severity of your cracks and will present appropriate solutions.   

- Bulging walls

Bulging wall means swelling in a brick wall that is usually caused by water ingress, deterioration of the mortar, or movement of the exterior cladding. This phenomenon can cause a lot of damage, sometimes leading to the collapse of the wall, hence the need to contact a masonry contractor as soon as possible. 

Here are other articles about masonry that could be useful to read before you meet with contractors who will present quotes: