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How to Survive Bathroom Renovations


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How to Survive Bathroom Renovations

BathroomHow to Survive Bathroom Renovations

When large-scale renovation projects are happening, you may lose full access to the most important sections of your home, such as the kitchen or bathroom. In the case of a bathroom renovation, depending on the work that is being carried out and the agreement you have signed with the contractor, the timespan of the project can vary and sometimes last several weeks, thus creating a certain period of inconvenience for you or your family, especially if you have young children.

In order to facilitate your experience and that of the others involved in the project, it is recommended that you create a game plan to organize the coming days. Here are some practical and important points that will help you survive your bathroom renovation like a pro.

What if your bathroom is not accessible during your renovation project?

pièce en rénovation_room being renovated

Is this the right time for a bathroom renovation?

No matter your lifestyle, some periods of the year are more hectic than others. While there isn't really ever a good time to start demolishing a part of your home, there are times that can be easier to adapt to your routine.

If you have children, the summer might seem more logical since they will have two months off. The primary goal is to avoid interrupting your daily routine, so this alternative could be useful if you have a place where you could spend a few days, like if they stay at their grandparents' home.

If summer is not a good option for you, it is just as possible to start work at any other time. The best way to avoid chaos would be to plan a schedule that would prioritize the smallest renovations in the bathroom during the week and the largest ones (such as demolition) over the weekend.

How to divide work into stages

pots de peinture_salle de bain_pots of paint_bathroom

Doing the work in several steps could not only make the job easier but it could also reduce your family's level of stress. It is highly recommended that you talk to your contractor to see if the important aspects of the room (bath, shower, toilet) can be changed by staggering the work over different days.

Each professional has their own working methods and, while some would see no harm in operating step-by-step, others prefer to tackle the whole thing at the same time. Be sure to find common ground so that everything runs smoothly!

Don't be afraid to ask for support from friend and family

If you are close to your neighbours or are one of the lucky ones who have their friends as neighbours, it would be good to take this opportunity to ask for the support of these people. Some of them are also homeowners, so they will be well aware of the downside of having to live through a renovation project. Try to discuss the possibility of using their bathroom as the work is being carried out.

Plan for dust and debris

balayeuse pour nettoyer débris rénovations_vacuum cleaner to clean debris renovations

It is well known, you will not escape damage. Renovation projects also come with housework and cleaning. That's why it would be in your best interest to take steps to limit the amount of debris that will soil your home.

A simple and effective solution that will make it easier for you to do household chores is installing plastic sheets that are attached to the door frames of adjacent rooms. This will reduce the spread of dust on the floor.

Take the time to relax

After all, even with the best game plan in the world, it is impossible to have complete control over a renovation project. Although it's best that everything runs smoothly, there may be a few unforeseen events that take you by surprise over the course of the project.

It is important not only to prepare yourself logistically but also much mentally. Being affected by stress related to planning the project could have a big impact on your contractor's work and could create some tension in the home.

Take advantage of this time to go out for a walk with the children, plan a romantic outing or visit family or friends. In the end, you should see it as a few days of discomfort that will pay off with years of enjoying your dream bathroom!

Here are some links that could also help:

You wish to have an overview of the costs involved by your bathroom renovation project? Try our cost calculator!

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Last modified 2023-11-07

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