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6 tips for managing stress related to renovations

6 tips for managing stress related to renovations

Exterior renovations 6 tips for managing stress related to renovations

Stress, anxiety, insomnia, budget overruns, extended schedules: renovation projects can cause many problems if you’re not properly prepared. The work-family balance is already a challenge, so imagine having to manage renovations and live in a house under construction.

In these types of situations, effort comes before comfort. Therefore, simply thinking about your renovation project might give you cold sweats. Between the noise, dust and the daily mess, surviving a home renovation without cracking is quite a feat.

Here are our tips for dealing with the stress of renovation

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Source : Canva

1- Properly plan your renovation

When we talk about planning, it’s all about budget and timing. Although it doesn’t happen in every case, your renovation project could go over budget. Thus, it’s important to have a bit of leeway for unforeseen events that may occur. For example, if you plan to renovate your roof and the contractor discovers several rotted beams, your overall renovation costs will increase. It is therefore advisable to set aside an amount of around 15% of your overall budget. This will help you to deal with any unknown surprises while working to reduce your stress levels.

In the same way, it’s not uncommon for projects to take longer than expected. If there’s a delay in the delivery of your materials, then the entire construction process is delayed. If you’re renovating your house to sell it afterwards, make sure you have a significant margin between the completion of the work and the marketing of your property.

2- Choose the right contractor

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Source : Canva

This is one of the best pieces of advice for homeowners just starting out their renovations. Choosing the right contractor ensures your project is successful from start to finish, without any stress. It must be said that the seriousness and professionalism of your contractor will greatly affect your mood throughout the project. For this reason, it’s important to bid on several contractors to compare prices, but also to make sure that there are a good workflow and understanding between the two of you.

By presenting your project on the platform, you will be put in touch with 3 to 4 contractors who have the necessary qualifications and authority to carry out the renovation work you’re looking for. The contractors in our network will be available, attentive, will present detailed quotes and will be able to supervise their workers so that you’ll have a more pleasant experience overall.

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3- Reduce stress by increasing outings and relaxing activities

We agree that the majority of homeowners choose to renovate during the summer season. In this case, it’s recommended that you take advantage of sunny days to go out with family and friends in order to forget about the work in progress on your home. If your property has turned into a serious job site, it may be hard to feel at home. The noise generated, the comings and goings of the workers as well as the many tools and materials that drag into every corner will only increase your stress, hence our suggestion in regularly giving your mind a bit of a break.

4- Stay close to family

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Source : Canva

In a residential renovation project, it’s expected that parents are the first to be exposed to stress. However, no matter how old your children are, it’s likely they’ll be just as bothered as you. Even if they seem carefree at first, your children can easily experience the repercussions of the stress you store. The longer the work persists, the greater the risk of stress. The best way to protect your children from stress will be to take care of yourself, and this will help you to avoid being overwhelmed by a project that can become too emotional.

5- Preserve your life as a couple 

Faced with large-scale projects such as the renovation of a home, many people tend to neglect their relationships. This is especially true for parents who will naturally look after the well-being of their offspring before anything else. However, with a little organization, you will certainly find yourself able to spend time with your other half and be able to forget the stress around you.

Are grandparents available over the weekend to babysit? Take this opportunity to book a romantic getaway: spa, cinema, restaurant, hiking, any moment of relaxation for the two of you. This will help you to approach any hardships from a rejuvenated perspective. Children will be just as happy to escape from your house under construction and enjoy the company of their grandparents.

6- Play sports and exercise

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Source : Canva

You may be tired of being told that exercise will make you feel better and cure your depression. Yet, exercise and sports are one of the best stress reducers, regardless of the type of activity you are undertaking.

Unfortunately, many people put exercise aside to better focus on home renovations. We’d suggest trying to avoid this mistake, especially in a society where stress-related illnesses are wreaking havoc. Soon you’ll understand how exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you deal with your home renovation projects.

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Last modified 2023-11-07

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