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How to Create a Good Website for your Home Renovation Company

How to Create a Good Website for your Home Renovation Company

Advice for contractorHow to Create a Good Website for your Home Renovation Company

Are you the owner of a home (or commercial) renovation business? To show off your work, you should have a website!

There is no need to create a super sophisticated website with a section where visitors can carry out transactions. Indeed, this website will mostly serve to promote your company by presenting a description of your services, customer testimonials and examples of projects you have carried out. 

Would you like to create a website for your company, but you don't know where to start? In this article, we will present the steps to follow and the important factors to take into account. 

For other convincing arguments, we invite you to check out the article 10 reasons to have a company website published on our partner company HelloDarwin's blog.

5 tips to create a renovation company website

Source : Canva

1- Choose the type of website you want to create

There are several types of company websites, for example: 

  • Static websites with online one page, also known as "showcase" websites

  • Websites with several pages, optimized for search engines

  • Transactional websites (where people can carry out payments and transactions)

If you mostly want your website to serve as a portfolio for your company, you can opt for one of the two first options. Of course, if you are thinking about a more intricate marketing strategy with your website, it's best to create a website with several pages. 

Lastly, if you're thinking about a transactional service that you would like to add to your website (paying deposits, buying materials), it would be important to create a good transactional website that is reliable and safe.  

2- Calculate how much money you can pay for your company website?

site Web pour entreprise de construction

Source : Canva

It can be hard to determine how much money you are willing to spend to create your company website. The cost of the website can vary from hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars. The amount will depend on the complexity of the structure as well as the number of visitors you are expecting on your website. 

If you are a home renovation contractor who operates in a few specific areas and expects to receive a few dozens or hundreds of visitors, the costs should be fairly affordable. However, if you are offering services in several countries and think that you will receive thousands of visitors every day, you will need to set aside a bigger budget.

Another factor that can cause your website budget to vary is whether you will decide to create the website yourself or hire a pro, either a self-employed worker or a marketing agency. We will cover this subject in more detail later on. 

3- Featuring photos of your renovation projects

One of the main reasons to have a website as a contractor is so you can present examples of your projects. Ideally, these photos should be good-quality images. 

Avoid blurry photos that are not well framed or well lit, as these will not give a good idea of what you are able to do. If you have a good camera, maybe on your phone, don't hesitate to ask former clients if you can go back to their house to take a few pictures. 

You can hire a professional photographer who will capture a few high-quality images that you will feature proudly on your website. In this case, you can find experts using the HelloDarwin platform.

4- Determine which type of written content will be on your website

Source : Canva

Have you ever heard of SEO? In a nutshell, it's a concept that is associated with the content on your website. SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" and it refers to the fact that the content on your website (text, links, images, titles, structure) has to be thought out while taking into account specific factors determined by search engines such as Google or Bing. 

The more your website is optimized for SEO, the higher your website will appear in search results when people use Google. For example, if people write "door and window installation in Barrie" and that is the type of service you offer (and area you cover), your website could appear in the first few results if the content is well done. 

If you want to learn more about SEO, here is a useful article: 

So, knowing all of this, what type of content should be included on your website? From the outset, you must absolutely add a list of the services you offer and the areas you cover. Next, you can think of other types of content such as creating a blog where you will share your knowledge and the inclusion of pages that describe your services in detail and talk about the projects you have carried out in the past. 

If you're not a talented writer, no problem! This is the type of job that can easily be given to other people, such as content writers who are hired by contract or marketing agencies. Once again, HelloDarwin can help you find content marketing experts.

5- Making the website project happen (yourself or with experts?)

Even if you have little to no experience creating websites, know that you can still try your hand! There are platforms that are easy to use to create simple no-frills websites. If you have a tiny budget, this can be a good option to explore.

Two of these platforms that you may want to check out are Wix and SquareSpace, as you don't need any programming skills to use them. However, expect to have ads on your website, especially if you opt for the free package. 

Otherwise, you can hire a self-employed programmer that offers website creation services. They will charge fees that vary according to their level of experience and the type of website they are offering. You can compare several quotes before choosing the person you will hire. 

Lastly, you may also want to hire a marketing agency. They can take care of all your marketing tasks, including website creation, publicity on social media and search engines and so much more. However, expect to spend much bigger amounts! 

Indeed, marketing agencies tend to charge higher prices for their services. It should be noted that oftentimes, they will provide access to several experts working for the agency such as programmers, translators, content creators and marketing experts.  

Also, note that for a transactional website, it can be best to work with experts. If you are patient and resourceful, you can create your own shopping platform with tools such as Shopify. However, since transactions absolutely have to be safe, it is still preferable to hire specialists. 

Therefore, it's up to you to determine how much time and money you are ready to dedicate to this website project! 

Don't forget to visit the HelloDarwin website to find experts and check out the blog that will provide more useful advice.  

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Having a website = maximizing your experience on the platform

Lastly, to close the loop, we have to mention the fact that having a company website can be useful and interesting as a member of the platform. 

We have already mentioned it in several articles but it has to be repeated how the initial presentation of your company, even before the first contact in person or on the phone, will be very important when trying to convince clients to do business with you. When you accept a project with us, the client gets your name as well as a link to your contractor profile on our website. 

If you've added a few pictures to your contractor account as well as a link to your website, you will increase your chances of signing contracts, as you will have already made a good impression with the client. 

As soon as you have a functional website and a collection of pretty photos, don't wait to add them to your contractor account. This will be highly beneficial and will only take a few minutes to complete! 

Together with HelloDarwin and our other partner XpertSource (working in the field of real estate), our common goal is to make life easier for everyone. We can't wait to discover your future company website! 

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Last modified 2024-04-08

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