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10 Tips to Prepare your Yard for Winter

10 Tips to Prepare your Yard for Winter

Exterior renovations10 Tips to Prepare your Yard for Winter

As this beautiful season comes to a close, we begin to lose the lustre of the colours of Autumn and make for the grey skies of November.

Whether you find winter enchanting or depressing, its imminent arrival requires some preparation so that your property can deal with the harsh months of cold. But how can you prepare your lawn for the rigours of winter?

How to prepare your front and backyard for winter

1- Mulch

Synonymous with protection for the base and roots of your plants, mulch has the added advantage of deterring any weed growth on your soil. It should be noted that a 3 to 5 cm thickness is necessary for perennials and annuals but for trees, around 7 to 10 cms are required. 

2- Water your hedge

This simple precaution will prevent you from discovering a very sad-looking hedge in the spring. Conifers don’t fall dormant when the winter arrives, so they should have access to water on the sunny winter days as photosynthesis continues. Make sure that your hedges receive at least 2.5 cm of water each week. 

3- Protect your hedges, shrubs, and trees from the cold

gardening tools

Regarding the amount of protection you should apply to hedges, shrubs, and trees, it should be noted that shrubs located on the outer edges or those exposed to high winds, should be covered. If there are areas exposed to excessive snowfall, these also need to be looked after. 

As a guide, it’s recommended that you avoid using polythene or plastic bags as well as black geotextiles. This is because these will literally stifle the shrubs and damage them irrevocably. Instead, consider using jute fabrics in white geotextile. Before installing the burlap and after falling leaves, tie the branches with jute rope. 

To prevent damage to the trunks of your trees by rodents, protect these with plastic sheaths.

Thinking of doing a new landscaping project when the weather returns? Check out our article Landscaping and exterior renovation project: a checklist of steps to follow.

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Last modified 2023-11-07

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