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6 Decor and Design YouTube Channels to Follow

By Christine Simard

Updated on November 7, 2023

The DIY movement keeps growing every day, especially on YouTube. More and more young adults are taking over the world of easy and creative renovations whilst combining the budgetary aspect, thus respecting the well-known reality of many with regards to budgetary restrictions when renting.

However, these YouTube channels are meant for a general audience and are a great source of ideas for everyone, either landlord or renter, and for all ages. They are both a source of tips and inspiration that will surely help you in your many future decoration or renovation projects.

Some expressions you need to know before starting

«IKEA hacks»: very popular these days, this practice consists in transforming different affordable and low-price items from IKEA to give them a completely different use from their original purpose.

«DIY»: Simply meaning "Do It Yourself", this acronym relates to making or building furniture or accessories on your own, without the help of a professional.

equipment for crafts and DIY

In english

1. The Sorry Girls 

On this channel, you will find many things: DIY, room makeovers, practical tips, thrift flips, etc. Kelsey and Becky are two friends from Toronto that started their YouTube page back in 2010 without knowing how big of a place they would have in the design world. Their main goal is to encourage young women like them and show that it's possible to do anything when it comes to manual work!

2. Alexandra Gater

Also from Toronto, this young designer who previously worked for Chatelaine has a goal to show millennials that it's possible to live in a charming and beautiful space, even when you're renting or on a budget! You will find tips and tricks, easy ideas and basic information in order to renovate and maximize your space.

3. Lone Fox

The King of DIY, Drew Scott is currently living in Los Angeles and is passionate about fashion and crafts. On his profile, you will find many tutorials and alternatives to recreating overpriced decorative objects at a lower total cost.

In addition, you will also be able to watch videos on apartment makeovers, on top of many IKEA hacks, a popular trend in the world of interior decor.

4. Hermione Chantal

All the way from England, Hermione Chantal is also an IKEA hack and DIY master. You can follow her creative tutorials and her adventures in thrift stores, where she gets most of her material from. As a bonus, you will be able to watch her mini-series on her complete house renovation project!

5. Exploring Alternatives

Back in 2012, Matt and Danielle decided to flip their life around completely by leaving everything they had behind, keeping the bare minimum, going on an adventure in their camper. The goal of their channel is to share advice and knowledge in order to live in a much simpler, minimal and self-sufficient way.

Moreover, they travel across the country in order to find people that live in similar ways, occupying smaller places like tiny houses, campers or boats, and using renewable energy or applying a zero-waste lifestyle.

In french

6. Another Home

Created by Vincent Bussez in 2016, the Another Home movement is meant to help you with your decor projects, planning and designing your house without complications. Even though he isn't a professional, Vincent shares his knowledge learned from years of immersing himself in the world of interior design. On his channel, you can watch interviews, videos on tips and tricks on how to manage your budget, and much more.

*This article was originally written in french and was meant to show bilingual alternatives.

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