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Top Marketing Strategies to Get Clients for Your Renovation Company

Top Marketing Strategies to Get Clients for Your Renovation Company

Advice for contractorTop Marketing Strategies to Get Clients for Your Renovation Company

As a home renovation contractor, finding clients can be a real challenge. In order to generate income for your company, it is absolutely vital that you start setting up a marketing plan to draw people’s attention. 

So, how is it that you define the best marketing strategies for your company? gives you a few tips on which communication strategies you should use for your company.

Use these simple marketing strategies

Source: Canva

Before making any commitment to huge marketing campaigns that require a lot of money, here are a few simple marketing strategies you can use to strengthen your brand and to make your name known to potential customers:

1- Going door-to-door

Going door-to-door can be a good marketing strategy for certain types of products and services. To use this strategy in an efficient manner, be sure to target specific clients and districts where you are more likely to be successful. One of the main advantages of doorknocking is the fact that it is really cheap: you can do it yourself. The biggest drawback is that it takes time and patience. You'll have to make sure that your message comes across well and that the people you meet understand what you are offering. In certain areas, you need a permit from the local authorities to be allowed to go out door knocking.

2- Flyers 

Flyers are an inexpensive way to get clients. This strategy is used by all kinds of companies and organizations, both big and small. It is a good way of getting noticed. You can opt to distribute the flyers yourself in targeted districts or you can use a mass distribution service. As for prices, 50 flyers will cost you about $7.49 on

3- Phone prospecting

Making phone calls can seem like a thankless task but it is often a good way to identify people who are interested in what you offer. However, pay attention to the rules which are established by the “Conseil de la radio diffusion et des telecommunications” (CRTC) about phone prospecting and be sure to follow them!

4- Use social media

Today, social media networks are key tools that can be used to reach a wide audience. Using these online communities is really important for any type of company. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or even Instagram can generate good visibility. These social networks will help get your company name out there and will help with your branding.

5- Take part in conferences/networking events 

these kinds of events will, more often than not, give you the opportunity to meet several new contacts within a few minutes or a few hours. You could find partners for your company (exchanging services with one another for example) and you could also find potential clients.

6- Website/SEO/Adwords 

Nowadays, you need to build a very effective website. Your website has to be clear, precise and well managed. Don't forget to improve your organic referencing and make sure your content is SEO friendly. When people type your name on Google, if your website doesn't appear on the first three pages of search results, odds are that no one will find you. So don't hesitate to invest money into referencing. If you feel intimidated by these concepts, you could get help from a web referencing specialist. Also, you can find a lot of clients using Google Adwords. However, this tool can become very expensive if you don’t manage it well.

7- Content marketing

Make yourself known as a reference in your field by using content creation and content marketing. For example, writing a book or articles that you post on social media can be an effective way of exposing your knowledge and expertise to your potential clients. Also, to improve your company's image and reassure potential clients, ask your former clients to write a review on your work. They will be the best ambassadors for your company.

8- Pay attention to your competitors

Last but not least, check what your competitors are doing! Pay attention to your market and apply your competitors’ strategies if you find them relevant to your company.

9- Renovation broker/referencing company

You could use renovation broker services to get clients. Your broker will give you the opportunity to find clients thanks to its network. offers this type of service. If you want to know more about us, fill out this form.

Define your home renovation company's target audience

Source: Canva

Your time investment and your money are precious! If you decide to aim for the whole population in terms of a potential market, your results will be up and down and your investments won't create value for your company.   That's why its so important for you to define your target audience; age, occupation, marital situation, etc.

In fact, you will have to go as far as creating a portrait of a typical individual who would be a part of your clientele. in this portrait, you will include plenty of details, including the customer's expectations, habits and the way they will find out about your company. Clearly defining your targeted public will help you:

  • To have a better overview of the actions needed to attract their attention and how to convince them to do business with you;

  • To see where every dollar that goes towards marketing is being spent;

  • To gain a better understanding, in hindsight, of what worked and what didn’t work, in order to improve your communication strategy for the next campaigns.

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Last modified 2024-04-29

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