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10 Garage Remodeling Ideas: Turning your Garage into a Living Space

10 Garage Remodeling Ideas: Turning your Garage into a Living Space

Interior renovations10 Garage Remodeling Ideas: Turning your Garage into a Living Space

Often, the garage's primary use is storage: it hides seasonal items, old furniture as well as the random, unnecessary things that accumulate over the years. However, this overlooked space is just as valuable as the rest of the house!

With a little bit of love and support, any homeowner can transform their garage from forgotten mess into full-blown haven! If you're unsure about what to do with this space, here are some ideas for you to explore, consider and potentially implement into your own home.

10 Garage Remodeling Ideas from

1) Alternative Living Space

Source: Canva

If you have been denied the right to renovate or expand your property, but are in desperate need of another room, why not consider turning your garage into an alternative living space? Not all garages are conducive or comfortable enough for hanging out in or, further, sleeping. They are generally not correctly insulated or even heated. However, there are plenty of options to make this room just as cozy as the rest of the house. Consider installing heated floors or even carpeting over concrete to give the garage more of a homey vibe.

Also, create zones: does your car still need to fit inside your garage? Add a couch and television on one side and let your car rest just behind them on the other. With enough finesse, this room could easily become your new favourite and you won't even notice the giant Chevy sitting to your left. Of course, if you decide to keep your car indoors, please make sure that the garage is extremely well ventilated or else you and your loved ones may experience health problems. 

2) A playroom

If you're in need of somewhere to send the kids for a few hours so you can take care of business, think about turning your garage into a playroom! The garage is perfect for messier activities that you might not want to take place inside of the house. Arts and crafts anyone? Now you won't have to worry too much about your little one drawing on your new hardwood floor or stark white walls. 

Install a desk along the wall for the possibility of working on your laptop while the children are at play. Build lots of extra storage space to hold their toys, craft materials and other miscellaneous things that might otherwise take over more formal areas of your home.

3) A Studio

Source: Canva

Is your garage being underused or unused? Has it just become a repository for unwanted things that have piled up and may never be dealt with? A cost-effective and practical solution for the misuse of this room is to turn it into an at-home studio! Instead of building an addition onto the home, repurpose the garage to function as a space for your own creative needs: maybe you've always wanted to take up painting, photography, sculpture, or pottery?

Regardless of your outlet, the garage is perfect for expanding your mind without expanding your home. Invest in some task lighting or install a glass door to add ample natural light to the space. Leave wiring and old beams exposed for a New York Loft feel that will inspire most.

4) A Guest House

You never know when guests might pop up for a quick visit! If your home is lacking the space to host parents or friends, use that garage as a place to host and hold those unexpected guests.

Create ample storage so you can continue to keep things you don't need hidden. Also, look for various types of multi-functional furniture, such as a day bed that can be used as a couch or a TV stand that functions as a room divider. Think about innovative ways you can make this space inviting while keeping it functional for both you and your guests' needs.

5) A Home Gym in your Garage

Source: Canva

Amongst homeowners, a common DIY garage job is the home gym! If you're looking for an excuse to get in shape this year, and are finding you haven't been using that garage space practically, now is the time to take on this renovation project. Luckily, a gym does not necessarily require heating, so don't worry too much about insulating (climate-dependent of course).

Make sure to build or install plenty of shelving to house easy to access fitness equipment as well as other necessary garage items. If the structure allows, hang swings or ropes from the ceiling so the kids can get involved. Grab portable mats for stretching or taking a rest. Maybe this could ignite a hidden passion for gymnastics or at least, if nothing else, you'll get that heart rate up a few notches.


6) A Family Room

Sometimes, your home just isn't big enough for a room dedicated to fostering relaxation and togetherness. If you're lacking space but need somewhere for the whole family to unwind, why not try converting your garage into a family room outside of the main home?

Spend some time insulating this room properly to make it extra cozy, this may involve raising the floor height to insulate over the concrete slab. Consider tying into the main house's heating and cooling system, or if this isn't possible, installing an additional one.

This might involve a service upgrade to support the large electrical load, but it will be cheaper than a home addition. Portable heating and cooling systems can also be purchased, so make sure to investigate all options. Add some comfortable couches and a television, even a little reading nook or small library. Luckily, the possibilities are endless in a family room that contains noise outside of the home!

7) A Bar and Party Room

Source: Canva

Looking for a quick vacation but don't have the funds right now? Why not create your very own destination spot, on your own property no less! Turn your garage into a party space or fully functioning bar.

Consider installing electricity to accommodate a sound system or even a home theatre. Build a beautiful pub style bar that friends and family can sit at while you're slinging their drinks. Add in a pool table and a dart board and you're set for the evening. If drinking isn't really your thing, why not consider a coffee bar or tea house?

If the space functions as your personal oasis, it doesn't matter what your poison is, just get creative! Of course, you don't have to make the space too fancy. As most garages sit on a concrete slab, you are welcome to leave the original floors for the clumsier guests who might spill a drink or two on those nights when things get a bit rowdy. 

8) A Recording Studio and Practice Space

Are you exploring a growing passion for music and interested in recording your debut album? Maybe you're a homeowner whose child wants to play in the school band? Your garage is an excellent space to allow music passions to blossom! Follow some simple soundproofing DIY steps, which can be completed with acoustic tiling or acoustic foams.

If you're serious about it, explore all the options when it comes to acoustical treatments of the space, as the layout will greatly affect the sound you're hearing. Also, make sure you've renovated the garage to allow for electricity and you'll be all set. If the job is done correctly, you'll be able to make sweet music until the break of dawn without your neighbours being the wiser!

9) A Home Office

Source: Canva

Looking for a way to work from home while avoiding being directly in your living room? Well, look no further than your back, or potentially front, yard, where you'll find your garage! Convert your garage into a home office and you should be able to complete your work with some necessary peace and quiet.

With the proliferation of the internet, working from home for those in the fields of art, media and design is becoming far more common. Install Wi-Fi, decorate to your taste, add some live plants or a coffee machine, whatever you need to make your garage-turned-office as work conducive as possible.

10) A Self-Contained Apartment

So your child is moving home from college, and since they're far past their teen years, not too keen on sleeping in their childhood bedroom. Or, maybe you're looking for a bit of extra cash to make ends meet and have heard enough about the wonders of Air Bed and Breakfasts? Well, if you have a garage that is looking to be renovated, consider turning it into its very own self-contained apartment.

Use space dividers to enable the room to be broken up into multiple spaces. Also, since it's a home away from home, it doesn't necessarily have to be in line with your current decor. Make this space minimal, modern and traditional; or simply appeal to the taste of whoever will be using it. Consider installing a tiny kitchen with sink included, if space allows.

* Please note that if you decide to create a major transformation in your garage, you must make sure that you have all the proper permits for this type of project and that you check whether there are any zoning restrictions that you need to look at. 

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Last modified 2024-02-26

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