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5 Ways to Maximize Storage in a Small Home

Renovation tips

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5 Ways to Maximize Storage in a Small Home

Renovation tips5 Ways to Maximize Storage in a Small Home

Whether by choice or simply to minimize costs, living in a small house or small apartment has both its advantages and disadvantages. However, it’s not impossible for you to arrange things to suit both aesthetic and practical needs. 

In a creative way, it’s easy for you to minimize clutter in your home while maximizing storage possibilities, offering you a level of refinement in the end. Today, more and more people decide to opt for a minimalist way of life, even zero waste. One can note this with the growing popularity of tiny homes, which are houses that are built with practicality in mind, normally with an open area and arranged with minimalism in mind. 

5 ways to maximize storage in your tiny home

1- Unclutter and rearrange

A good start is to evaluate your possessions. Over time, it’s easy to accumulate different goods and materials, including several which you probably no longer use. Taking the time to purge your environment will not only offer you instant satisfaction, but will also make you feel less stuck in your own home. 

It’s even more important to take a look at your furniture afterwards. If this is possible for you, reducing the amount of these by opting for convenient and open storage will free up space and help you stay organized. The importance of letting go of your old possessions is not only good for your space, but also for your well-being. 

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2- Practical and intelligent storage

As mentioned above, thinking about convenient storage will help you to open your rooms visually and to stay organized. By using open space storage, for example, you will be forced to stay organized as your objects will be visible. For example, by building custom furniture that combines storage and utility, you’ll be able to save a significant amount of space while adding an interesting touch to your decor.

When it comes to your clothing, if you lack closet space, installing a pole or rolling rack in a strategic and practical place is an easy option. This will also be a way to display your best clothing. To make sure it stays clean and tidy, use boxes and baskets to keep things as clean as possible on your shelves. With this system, you can make sure that everything neatly returns to its place.

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3- Divide your rooms

If you have double rooms, dividing them will allow you to define their uses and organize your home by designing clear areas for them. For a large bedroom, a practical and ingenious idea is to create a false glass wall. For a tutorial on how to make this project a reality, the two friends who host The Sorry Girls YouTube channel explain how they carried out this project for a friend.

In the case of a common room, such as a living room or a dining room, you could use a large bookshelf or bookcase to divide the room. Otherwise, a long bookcase or bookshelf can also work to create the illusion of separate rooms.

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4- Use the vertical space

In a small house, visual appeal is an important asset in order to organize your space. A simple but practical tactic is to use your walls along their entire length. When you elevate your objects from the ground by storing them upwards, you’ll create the illusion of a larger room. This is because the eyes of guests will automatically be directed upwards. 

If you have several books, knickknacks or vases, install a shelf that runs the length of the wall and isn’t too far from the ceiling. In addition to giving a built-in look, you can use this to exhibit your most beautiful objects. Use these as decoration!

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5- Play with colours

Perhaps this should go without saying but it’s important to think about the colour on your walls. The reason is that, even if you’re a lover of dark colours, they can sometimes make your space feel smaller. Instead go for neutral colours such as taupe, white or pale pink. Warm shades are definitely recommended. A good compromise is to use a dark colour as an accent rather than for the entire room. 

brown sofa in living room_5 Ways to Maximize Storage in a Small Home

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Last modified 2023-11-07

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