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9 Factors That Determine The Price of Flooring


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9 Factors That Determine The Price of Flooring

Flooring9 Factors That Determine The Price of Flooring

Depending on several factors, installing new floor coverings can either be affordable or incredibly expensive. Here is a list of 9 factors that you should consider to know more about the price of flooring and the reasons that explain why it can vary so much.

Average prices for different floor covering materials 

1.The amount of work for the installation process

If you opt for a simple renovation of the old flooring surface, certain techniques (sanding, varnishing, deep cleaning, etc.) can go a long way in making the floor covering look brand new whilst remaining affordable. 

In this case, no need to buy new materials and if the floors aren’t too worn out, this type of project can be completed by anyone with minimal manual skills.

However, when deciding to renovate old flooring, be sure to check that the damages are only superficial and that you’re not covering a deeper problem that will come back later on. Also know that certain signs of deterioration (water damage, broken tiles, etc.) cannot be masked completely through basic renovations

Knowing all that, even if it amounts to a big price difference, in some cases it becomes more worthwhile to change the floor covering, either for certain sections or the whole surface. The following factors generally refer to this type of situation.

2. The type of house

When planning to renovate a floor, it’s important to consider the type of house and its various characteristics. If you live in a single-family home without neighbours living underneath you, there are no constraints in terms of materials

However, those living in condos may have to check the norms and rules which are cited in the co-ownership declaration. These specifications are often put into place for soundproofing purposes, and for certain materials, this may mean having to pay extra for soundproofing material (such as thermal membrane).

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3. The type of sub-flooring

Sub-flooring is the word that is used to designate the surface on which the floor covering will be installed. The two main types of sub-flooring are concrete and wood products (plywood, wood panels, boards, etc.) Untreated concrete surfaces are suitable for tiles, vinyl and linoleum.

However, to install coverings that are prone to gathering humidity (namely hardwood and carpeting), it will have to be treated. Wood products work with nearly any type of material. However, when being used under floor coverings that are sensitive to humidity (once again, hardwood or carpeting), proper treatment will be needed beforehand. 

The nature of the sub-flooring surface will also influence the type of adhesive product to be used (cement, staples, glue, etc.), which will end up affecting the price.

4. The size of flooring area to cover

Renovating your floors doesn’t mean that you have to change all the floor surfaces in your house. Sometimes, one room or one specific part of the house requires new flooring. Of course, this is one of the main factors that determine the price of a flooring renovation project.

5. The types of flooring materials

Choosing the type of floor covering can be the best part of the process. Unfortunately, this is also the part where your budget can take a major hit. There are several materials out there, for example hardwood, ceramic, marble, vinyl or carpeting. Throughout the sea of different materials, prices can extend from one extreme to another.

Prices are usually justified in terms of the product’s place of origin (Asia, Latin America, Europe, etc.) and the transformation process that the raw material has to go through (cutting, painting, etc.). Some products may also require special treatments, which can impact the price. For example, hardwood, which has to be sanded, varnished and polished.

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6. Removing old flooring

Before you start installing your new floor coverings, the old one will have to be removed. Depending on the type of floor that was there, the place where you live and the company with which you’re doing business, this process could cost, on average, $2,50 per square foot of removed flooring. You could also try to do it by yourself to save money.

7. Installing the new floor

If you have a bit of knowledge, manual skills, motivation and a lot of free time, you could complete the job by yourself. Ceramic tiles and floating floors are particularly easy to install. However, certain types of flooring require more skills and should be left to the pros.

Even if this option is more expensive, a person who tries to do it manually, without prior experience, could make mistakes. Over time, a faulty installation could lead to further expenses, which would defeat the purpose of doing so to save money. Also, if you hire someone to do it, once you’ve made sure that they are competent, good results are practically guaranteed.

8. Style

Whether we like it or not, style does affect the price of flooring. If one particular type of flooring is in style at the moment, companies will take the opportunity to drive prices up, knowing that they will sell a lot of their product. Also of note is the fact that style and quality don’t always go hand in hand.

Some people are ready to sacrifice good quality, long-lasting materials to fit with the latest trends. Be careful not to succumb to a fad, as it may go out of style in a few months, quickly making the house out-of-style. Paying extra just to get those shiny epoxy floors may not be a worthy investment.

9. Unplanned expenses

Like with most renovation projects, installing new floor coverings can turn out to be more complicated than what had been foreseen. Unplanned expenses can appear throughout the work. For example: having to buy extra floorboards because of a mistake in calculations during the planning period.

Always set aside an amount of money that is only available for unforeseen circumstances. This is especially true if you decide to complete the floor installation project without the help of a contractor.

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Last modified 2023-11-07

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